Let’s re-write the saying to something more like, “April showers bring May outdoor concerts.” There are two outdoor concerts this weekend. Soon the Civitans will start their weekly concert series, and Idaho State University will start theirs shortly thereafter.
Friday night, May 1st, there is a six-band free outdoor concert in the parking lot at Barrie’s in the Westwood Mall, Garrett Way in Pocatello. On the bill, A Cassandra Utterance, Danny the Skeleton Horse, Burnt Orange, Rising Son, Nyr Lif and Madison Lights; show starts at 5 p.m.
A Cassandra Utterance is just returning from a month-long tour of the north western states. A pop and soul band from Salt Lake, they’ve shared the stage with Paper Mache, We Shot The Moon, The Brobecks, Allred, Royal Bliss and more. Danny the Skeleton Horse is a progressive, experimental pop punk band from St. Anthony, ID, scheduled to play at The Icon mid-June.
Burnt Orange a power pop group from Salt Lake has a great sound. With a female vocalist and an EP under their belt, I think this is a band to watch for. Rising Son plays retro-psychedelic rock, always nice in an outdoor setting and Nyr Lif has that nice acoustic ambient sound that plays well anywhere.
Madison Lights recently garnered some major regional attention at the recent Sugarcult concert, playing for some 1900 fans in Holt Arena. They’re a pop punk band based in Idaho Falls – another one to watch out for.
Ok, so the next live music show isn’t an outdoor concert. And it’s in Idaho Falls. But I like this line-up of bands. So if you’re in Idaho Falls on Friday night, head over to The 840 (on Northgate Mile) for Drop Dead Julio, Abrupt Edge and At Dreams End.
I've known Drop Dead Julio (that’s with a hard “J”, pronounce it) for a couple years. In that time, they've blown up in the Salt Lake live music scene, playing all the right clubs, scoring some sweet opening spots for national bands and building an ever-growing fan base in N. Utah. Now it's time for DDJ to hit Idaho. [Interview Here -SLG]
A reviewer recently said that Drop Dead Julio is “pop-punk-rock-alternative in a 12 layer cake!” More simply stated, DDJ is a fusion of rock and punk. “We like that people can’t quite peg us into a genre,” said vocalist Gene Kennedy. “We are who we are, and we’re proud of that.”
Drop Dead Julio originally formed as a trio in 2005 with their first EP having a party-like pop-punk vibe. In 2006 they became a 4-piece band with guitarist Brian Jensen playing lead guitar and singing harmony. “Our sound continues to form in the 4-man chemistry, and in the last couple of years we’ve emerged with several ‘modern rock’ style songs that are featured on our latest album, ‘The Stories We Could Tell.’” There’s clearly a difference between the two albums. “Stories” focuses on the groove and shows a more musical maturity. The band is rounded out with James Checrallah on bass and James Julio on drums.
“When people come to our show they can expect a good time,” Kennedy continued, “We play fun, energetic rock/punk and we’re happy to play off the crowd.” Find out more at www.myspace.com/dropdeadjulio.
Closer to home, and back outdoors again, don’t miss Saturday’s Really Big Show, the KISU Spring Fest Street Party on the 600 block of S. 1st Avenue. Proceeds benefit KISU and Pocatello Free Bikes. Gates open at 4 p.m. with entertainment until midnight. Cost is $8 at the gate, kids under 12 free.
And for the hard rockers out there, Denots is in concert at the First National Bar on Saturday night, with Seed opening and 2am Logic closing out the night. Music starts at 9:30 p.m.
Denots is a metal band based in Idaho Falls. Formed in 1999, the band hit the scene and hit it hard. The first Denots album was recorded and released in late 1999, receiving solid support on KBER. Their second record was released in 2004, and after some line-up changes, early 2007 saw Denots release their third CD "Dissonance in D Backwards," recorded and produced by Scott Taylor.
Who: Several Bands What: In concert, outdoors !! Where: Parking lot in front of Barrie's, Westwood Mall - map When: Friday, May 1, 2009 5:00 pm How Much: Free !!
A Cassandra Utterance - Pop / Indie / Soul - from Salt Lake Danny the Skeleton Horse - Experimental / Progressive / Pop Punk - from St. Anthony Burnt Orange - Powerpop - from Salt Lake Rising Son - psychedelic rock - from Pocatello Nyr Lif - Indie / Ambient - from Pocatello Madison Lights - Pop Punk / Happy Hardcore - from Idaho Falls
From Broke City The BC needs help. We want to dominate the main stage at the X96 Big Ass Show, so we need your vote to do so. Please, please, please, please click x96.com/local_bands to cast your vote. If it is announced that Broke City is the winner and we get to play the main stage, there will be a present for all our fans!!!! One that you will want! So please vote, and thank you for taking the time to read this! b.bc [What Broke City didn't say is ... you can click the back button and vote multiple times. Hey, the other bands' fans are gonna do it, so you should too. -SLG]
From Star Anna Molly Templeton wrote a beautiful review in The Eugene Weekly! www.eugeneweekly.com/2009/04/23/music1.html And Star Anna is scheduled to play at Portneuf Valley Brewing, 8:30 pm, on Friday, June 5.
Who: Seven Feet Below What: Rock cover band (These guys are kids! Really!) Where: MySpace When: Now
Spencer Ruchti -Drums, Lead Vocals Joseph Bellegante - Lead Guitar Drew Ruchti - Rhythm Guitar, Lead Vocals Tristan Paz - Bass
Starting on one fateful day, three lonely band members, Spencer, Joseph, and Drew, were searching for a bassist. Many tried to quench the calling, but none succeeded... except for one. A boy by the name of Tristin Paz came to the stand and played every song in sweet, sweet harmony with the rest of the allegience with no problems and no mistakes. He was instantly called upon to make a formation that would forever be known as "Seven Feet Below". With Spencer on drums and lead vocals, Drew Ruchti on rhythm guitar and lead vocals, Joseph Bellegante on lead guitar and backing vocals, and of course Tristin Paz on bass and backing vocals, the quadrio was and would forevermore be unstopable in following their dreams... to get on the front of a cereal box. And become rockstars....
A few weeks ago, Royal Bliss was interviewed by Linda East Brady for the Standard-Examiner. Here it is, in entirety.
Few people fall three stories and live to tell about it.
Neal Middleton, frontman and powerhouse vocalist of Salt Lake City-based Royal Bliss, not only lived to tell about it, he lived to rock about it.
Middleton admits to being intoxicated when he took that terrible tumble off a balcony, a fall that tore his pelvis in two and caused numerous other grievous injuries.
"It was horrible, devastating," said Middleton. "We kind of said our goodbyes the night it happened, because they were telling my girlfriend I might not make it through the night, and if I did pull through, I would be paralyzed."
Middleton was still defying those odds, even as he spoke on his cell phone for this interview, strolling briskly around a Modesto, Calif., tour stop.
The band returns to Utah from a triumphant stretch of road time in support of its latest release, "Life In-Between," including a show Saturday at Teazers in Ogden.
"It is awesome to be coming home to Utah," Middleton said. "We always wanted to stay in Utah. We love it and we are proud of being from there.
"Everyone tried to talk us into going to L.A. or New York, but no, we did not want to leave our fans and friends. The whole state, it's like they signed on with us. They are just really proud of us, and we are proud of them, and (of) being from them. We feel they made it along with us, so to come back and see them is amazing."
Meet cute
Middleton first met guitarist Chris Harding in Salt Lake City in the mid-'90s.
"We ran into each other at some store's Slurpee machine. He was telling me how some dude had punched his sister and all that, and I was like, 'Let's go take care of this dude!' " Middleton laughed. "I had no idea who he was, but we went to this house to get that dude."
The two kept crossing paths through school events and mutual friends. Finally came the fateful night when Harding happened to hear Middleton performing solo acoustic at Gepetto's Pizza.
At the time, Middleton was attending Salt Lake City Community College, three semesters in with a 4.0 grade-average average in communications. Harding, Taylor Richards (lead guitar) and Jake Smith (drums) already had a band going.
"They liked what they heard," Middleton said. "I went to their house when I finished. We wrote things that night, and the next day, I dropped out of school. I told Chris, 'I want to be a rock star.' I took the opportunity when it came up. But it took a little longer than I expected."
The band played locally and regionally for the next few years, building a fan base and selling more than 8,000 of its self-made demo CDs.
"I spent all my money building a studio in Chris' backyard, and we got serious about it."
After the fall
By 2004, the band had drawn the attention of several major labels. Then came Middleton's fall from a balcony in Southern California, which was only the start of troubled times.
"I was still in ICU and the drummer called and said his ex-girlfriend was pregnant, and then all these other things happened. Our manager, it turned out, he was taking money, and we didn't want to work with him. And then he sued us, and that got really messy.
"And then Chris put a ski through his face and sliced it in half, had to have his jaw wired shut while we were in the studio. Then Taylor broke his leg, and Jake rolled his car five times after leaving the studio one night. This was all within six months."
But the band stuck together, and moved forward, in large part because Middleton was determined to make it happen. The band released the aptly named indie full-length "After the Chaos II," and Middleton got back on his feet.
"I almost felt like it was my fault," Middleton said of the hard times. "I started everything. And our only form of income was the band. No one had finished college, no fallback plan. I told them, 'I am going to get back up there, I am! Please, you guys, just trust me.' And it was so hard, but a few months later, I booked a show,
and went up there with my cane, hopping around on one leg. Everyone at that point was, 'OK, he's back.' ... That horrible experience made us a better band, a tighter unit -- and gave us some pretty good lyrics, too."
Write all day
Middleton is the band's main lyricist.
"I can write all day long. I absolutely love it. I have walked up to the guy on the street corner begging for change, and I'll just start singing with him."
Middleton's songwriting and powerful baritone attracted national attention. The Control Group, an independent label out of Seattle, picked up "After the Chaos II." It received significant airplay, and was at one point No. 1 by a long shot at the Graywhale chain.
The band was signed by Capitol Music Group in 2007. "Life In-Between" was released in 2008, with sharp, personal lyrics, crunchy rock licks and Middleton's stronger-than-ever vocals.
"I've never really taken any vocal lessons, but I am always wanting to get better. I am always writing new songs and trying new things with my vocal range. I want to be the best singer I can possibly be, and never be satisfied with where I am at."
Middleton admits not always taking care of his voice or himself.
"The last tour I did, before Halloween, I actually ended up with a hematoma on my vocal chords -- really scary. I had to be still for about a month. Now I finally am doing good warm-ups before shows. Used to, it was 'Give me a glass of something good, and I am ready to go.'
"But I am more cognizant now of how my vocals feel and do warm-ups in the morning, warm-ups in the evening, and before the show -- no yelling and going crazy and then partying after. And this is my ninth day in a row, with afternoon shows, and evening shows."
Wrestling demons
Middleton sings about the demons he wrestles with in such songs as "Save Me" and "Angels and Devils."
"I am down to my last crutch, which is drinking," Middleton admitted. "Many of these songs on this album were in a sense asking for help. 'Save Me' came out of a night with a half-gallon of moonshine. I won't go into the sordid details, but the fact is, it gets difficult out on the road."
He said the hardest thing is turning down a fan who wants to buy him a drink.
"I mean even here in Modesto, I am walking down the street and there are three guys having their beer on the patio and they recognized me. I start talking to them, and we were just sitting there, back and forth. They're like, 'Let me buy you a beer.' And I told them, 'No, I don't want to start drinking this early.' But one of them ran in and bought me a beer.
"I don't want to hurt someone, turn them down and hurt feelings, because now these guys can tell their friends, 'I had a beer with the singer.' It means a lot to them, and that means a lot to me. The fans got us where we are."
Royal Bliss has added a few southern dates to their current tour: Apr 26 @ Charleston, South Carolina Apr 28 @ Houma, Louisiana Apr 30 @ Baton Rouge, Louisiana May 2 @ Jackson, Mississippi May 3 @ Springfield, Missouri May 5 @ Atlanta, Georgia May 8 @ Charlotte, North Carolina May 9 @ Montgomery, Alabama
Who: Jordan Booth What: In concert Where: First National Bar - map When: Saturday, April 25 9:30pm How Much: $3 at the door
SLG: Describe your genre of music in as much detail as you like. Maybe list your three best crowd-pleasing songs? Can you explain in what way do you most appeal to your fans?
JB: My name is Jordan Booth. I’m a Singer/Songwriter from Salt Lake City UT. My music can be best described as vocal-driven acoustic rock. I often get asked who my influences are, which is a difficult question for me because I’ve been influenced by so many artists and so many genres. My “influences” go like this:
* Music that is sung or played with heart, soul, and meaning.... You're your own judge. * Every song that has ever given me goosebumps. * Every song that keeps me wanting to progress and keep making music. * Every album that is so well written and put together that you listen to it three times a day for the first month you have it. (I do that a lot). * That one note the singer hits in the song I always crank the volume on. * The sad songs that are sung with so much heart and emotion, I can't stop listening to. Yet I almost always well up with tears every time I listen to them. * The songs that make me feel so at peace inside, that I want to die in that moment. * The songs that take me back to the moments in my life I love to remember. * Every song that I've become so lost in, I felt like I left this world while I was listening to it.
Probably my top three crowd-pleasing songs from my album, Caution, that is out right now would be; “I Know”, “Caution”, and “I Guess It’s Done” available on I-tunes.
SLG: You're a solo act, right? Do you also play in a band presently or in the past?
JB: I often play as a solo act, that is how I started. Although, right now I have a band behind me that will be coming to my show in Pocatello. I probably equally enjoy playing solo as I do with the band.
SLG: Tell us where you're from and currently based in what town?
JB: I grew up in Utah and the last few years I have lived in Phoenix, and Seattle and am currently living in Salt Lake City working on my second album.
SLG: Past shows or venues you'd like to brag about? Past or future shows in the Pocatello area?
JB: One of my past and favorite shows was last October in Pocatello opening for a couple of gifted artists, Joshua Radin, and Missy Higgins at the Icon. I am really excited to come back because a big part of what made that show my favorite was the welcoming crowd and how nice everyone was during and after the show.
SLG: Recordings? Will you have CD's or more for sale at the show?
JB: I will have my album, Caution, on sale at the show for $10.00 or you can purchase my songs at I-tunes.
SLG: How can fans contact you? Myspace? or another website?
Who: Drop Dead Julio What: CD Release and Upcoming Concert Where: The 840, Idaho Falls - map When: Friday, May 1, 2009 8:00 pm
I've known Drop Dead Julio (or DDJ, as they are known) for a couple years. In fact, I met up with a band member totally spontaneously at a restaurant in Sugarhouse, in Salt Lake some years ago. Since that time, they've blown up in the Salt Lake live music scene, playing all the right clubs, scoring some sweet opening spots for national bands and building an ever-growing fan base in N. Utah. Now it's time for DDJ to hit Idaho.
I caught up with DDJ vocalist, Gene Kennedy, to find out more about what's been going on with the band lately.
SLG: Describe your genre of music in as much detail as you like. Maybe list your three best crowd-pleasing songs? Can you explain in what way do you most appeal to your fans?
GK: A reviewer recently said that Drop Dead Julio is pop-punk-rock-alternative in a 12 layer cake! I got a kick out of that but that’s only 4 layers! I'll try to simplify it to two layers. DDJ is a fusion of rock and punk. We like that people can’t quite peg us into a genre. We are who we are, and we’re proud of that. I guess the best way to know what we sound like is to press play on the Ipod.
Let me tell you a little story. Drop Dead Julio originally formed as a trio in 2005 and our first EP CD “Lack of Direction” (2007) had a party-like pop-punk vibe. In 2006 we became a 4-piece band with guitarist Brian Jensen playing lead guitar and singing harmony. Our sound continues to form in the 4-man chemistry, and in the last couple of years we’ve emerged with several “modern rock” style songs that are featured on our latest album, “The Stories We Could Tell.” There’s clearly a difference between the two albums. “Stories” really focuses on the groove and shows a real musical maturity in the band.
You asked about songs that appeal to our fans. “Breaking News” is at the top of the list. When the crowd hears that distinctive intro riff, they never fail to scream their heads off! “The Youth are Disillusioned” and “The Break Up” are also getting a really good response. They are strong “sing alongs” and that’s what people really like. I think our catchy music is part of what appeals to fans. Also, we have a crowd-involved live show that incorporates humor, a lot of smiles and visual energy.
Let’s put it this way. The crowd knows we’re having fun and they are too. We have a real kinship with our fans, a real one-on-one connection. We often hear on Myspace that really matters to them.
Gene Kennedy- Vocals / Guitar
James Julio—Drums
Brian Jensen—Guitar/Vocals
James Checrallah—Bass
SLG: How long has this line-up been together?
GK: We’ve been a band for 3 years. We are all from different parts of the country. I, Gene, am from Riverside, California. Bassist James Checrallah hails from Boston, MA. Brian Jensen and James Julio are both from the Salt Lake City area. We are a Salt Lake City band.
SLG: Are there past shows or venues you'd like to brag about? Past or future shows in the Pocatello area?
GK: A major highlight for Drop Dead Julio was opening for Unwritten Law in 2007 in Park City. We have also played with local favorites Royal Bliss (Capitol) several times. In fact, one of our best shows this year was with Royal Bliss at Club Vegas in SLC. [Yup! I was there for that show. -SLG]
DDJ has been a 21+ band for a while but we’re now branching out to all-ages and are gradually becoming a regular at Avalon Theater, a hot spot for national acts in Salt Lake City.
When we play all-ages we usually hit the stage early, by 8 pm. 21+ shows typically start at 10 pm, and we play late into the night. Those are always fun. You never know what’s going to happen!
When people come to our show they can expect a good time. We play fun, energetic rock/punk and we’re happy to play off the crowd. Who knows, you might find a crowd surfing blow up doll at the next gig! Either way, you’re not going to break your wallet seeing us. Most of the time our shows cost $5, sometimes $10 if they’re at venues that don’t sell alcohol.
We have never played Pocatello but are playing Idaho Falls May 1 and are actually looking for a Pocatello show Sat. May 2nd. So hit us up!
SLG: Any comments about the local live music scene, the music industry in general? What do you think is the best way to get your music out there?
GK: We feel lucky to be a part of it. Salt Lake City is a solid music scene for several reasons. It’s not hard to get a gig, most musicians and bands are really down-to-earth and there are several venues that will really take care of you. Liquid Joe’s is a perfect example. That bar has become a real home for us and they’ve always treated our band really well.
I grew in Riverside, CA during the West Coast punk explosion, and while I enjoyed the scene I knew many musicians who had to “pay to play.” It’s still that way for many L.A. bands. You don’t get that in Salt Lake City for the most part. There are a lot of choices when it comes to venues you can play.
In terms of getting your music out there, I think doing it yourself is the best way. Some people ask us, “who does your promotions?” or “who manages you guys.” The truth is WE are the manager. WE do the promotions. It’s amazing what you can do when you pick up the phone, text someone or just get on the street with posters and flyers.
Nothing is going to replace hard work. If you want something, you got to go for it. That’s our attitude. Networking with bands, DJs, radio stations, publications and just the public in general is the best way to get your music heard.
SLG: Do you have any videos on YouTube?
GK: We have several videos, including one where our guitarist Brian Jensen is playing with Unwritten Law lead singer Scott Russo backstage! [HERE -SLG] You’ll also find clips of us playing live and a professional promo video we did for the album release of “The Stories We Could Tell.” [Click HERE for more DDJ videos. -SLG]
SLG: Recordings? Will you have CD's or more for sale at the show?
GK: Yes. We have both our albums for sale along with large car stickers and bumper stickers.
SLG: How can fans contact you? Myspace? or another website?
GK: They can write to us at dropdeadjulio@gmail.com, but honestly Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are probably the best ways to reach us. We write to EVERY person we come into contact with, so hit us up on www.myspace.com/dropdeadjulio. We’ll talk about music, what you like to drink, your favorite foods, ice skating nude in the dark, even problems with your boyfriend or girlfriend! Believe it or not, that’s come up. It’s all good! Julio Counseling at your service!
Who: From Penny Pink What: Various Events When: Weeks of 4/24 - 5/2 2009 Where: Portneuf Valley Brewing
Friday 4/24 Ramona Awe's Blackfoot South Blues Band will be in concert in the pub from 8:30pm to 11pm. No cover charge. If you like Swingshift, you'll really like these guys too. They put on a class act show!!!
Saturday 4/25 Polyphonic Pomegranate from Boise, Idaho will be performing experimental jazz and funk in the pub from 8:30pm to 11pm in the pub. No cover charge. For more information see www.myspace.com/polyphonicpomegranate.
Polyphonic Pomegranate
Monday - Open Mic Monday's in the pub (downstairs) from 7pm to close and the Celtic Jam Session upstairs in the loft from 7pm to 9pm.
Tuesday - Acoustic Jam Session Upstairs from 7:30pm to close.
Friday 5/1 First Friday Art Walk will feature a new oil painting art show by SharonHolmer and live entertainment by The Bowman and Garrison Band in the pub from 8:30pm to 11pm. No cover charge.
Awesome Wholesome Food: The Pocatello Coop and Portneuf Valley Brewing
Beverages: Portneuf Valley Brewing
600 Block of South 1st Avenue. Proceeds benefit KISU and Pocatello Free Bikes. Gates open at 4pm., entertainment till around Midnight. $8 at the gate, kids under 12 free! Supervised open gym at the Youth Training Center Gymnastics facility - Call YTC for more information.
Portneuf Valley Brewing Art Shows
The featured artist at PVB for the remainder of April is photographer Mike Ryan, see http://mikeryanphoto.com/ for more information about Mike Ryan and previews of his photography. The featured artist for May and the May First Friday Art Walk will be oil paintings by Sharon Holmer. See www.holmerarts.com for more information on Sharon Holmer's show.
Idaho State University is celebrating Earth Week with several events, including a concert with the Kratz Brothers Band in the Canoe Room of the ISU Student Union Building, Thursday the 23rd from 10 p.m. to midnight. The free concert follows the Wolf Event, hosted by the Student Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE).
The Kratz Brothers Band is John Kratz, guitar; Luke Kratz, keyboards; Dorian Hitchcock, cello and Chris Sherburne, drums.
And on Saturday the 25th, the 2009 Community Environmental Fair is held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Tydeman / Optimist Park on N. 7th St. in Pocatello. Admission is free, including free lunch (hamburgers, hotdogs, & veggie burgers) and a free raffle entry. Local musicians will entertain on the main stage, with the Lost Boys at 11, singer / songwriter Shawn Barnby at 12:30, a young rock group Seven Feet Below (formerly Starbent) at 1:15 and Against the Flow at 2:15 playing folk-inspired hip hop.
Thursday the 23rd, the straight edge hardcore metal band Liferuiner was scheduled at Barrie’s in the Westwood Mall, but difficulties with meeting Idaho State building codes is preventing concerts from being held there. The Liferuiner concert, with The World We Knew, Right On Track and the locally-based Neckbrace, has been moved to The Eagles Lodge at Benton and Main Streets in Pocatello. Find out more visiting www.myspace.com/flyingmonkeybooking.
Liferuiner, by the way, is on a grueling twenty-nine shows in twenty-nine days tour. The band has had some fifty member changes since it was formed five years ago.
Saturday night’s all ages concert with No Bragging Rights, Destruction of a Rose and Madison Lights (who recently opened for Sugarcult at ISU) is in a similar situation. Saturday’s show was scheduled at Barrie’s, but it may be canceled or moved to a new venue. Check first with Flying Monkey Booking or here for the most recent updates.
More into acoustic music? I’ve got that for you too. Against the Flow is the featured performer at the First National’s open mic on Thursday. And Ben Burdick and Bill Liles have three area appearances this week. They’ll be at the Sandpiper, 8 p.m., in Pocatello on Thursday the 23rd and at The Cellar and Vino Rosso in Idaho Falls on Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 8 p.m.
Two live music choices for your Friday night: the Blackfoot South Blues Band featuring Ramona Awes is scheduled to play at Portneuf Valley Brewing at 8:30, no cover and open to all ages. And several hip hop artists on the bill called “The Gathering” at Benton St. Bar & Grill, starting at 9 p.m., open to 18+, tickets are $12 available at Budget Tapes & Records, Track 101 Outfitters in the Pine Ridge Mall or at the door.
Some 20 artists are on the billing, including Mastermindz, Deeper Entertainment, 33 Deep, Taz, The Expo, Verbal Trikz, Draggz, Statick and Pocatello’s own MCCP. The Gathering is a collection of hip hop artists from Idaho, Utah and as far away as South Dakota. To preview the music and more information, check out The Gathering www.myspace.com/464413099.
Saturday in Blackfoot will rock all day long with twenty bands at Rockfest, Tony’s Billiards. Music starts at noon and goes until they run out of bands. Tickets are $10 for all day admission, available at the door.
Two new artists to the area will perform on Saturday night. Polyphonic Pomegranate, from Boise, ID, plays jazz and funk at Portneuf Valley Brewing at 8:30. From their website, they say of themselves,
“Polyphonic Pomegranate is a collection of some of Boise's most talented musicians. … we play mostly all original music. We provide a high energy electric set that gives the entire crowd restless leg syndrome, and we also provide a groovier jazz set for quieter venues.”
And Jordan Booth, from Utah, makes his debut Pocatello appearance at the First National Bar on Saturday night. Music starts at 9:30, open to 21+. Booth has performed in Australia, Europe, and various U.S. States, from cafes to smoky bars. He’ll fit in nicely.
Finally, on Tuesday of next week, locally-based Spawning Fondness takes the stage at Hooligans off Center Street.
Going Second = Trademark + Coheed and Cambria + Ask For the Future
As I’m growing out of my pop-punk phase, it’s getting harder and harder for these types of bands to impress me. Going Second has caught my ear though. This band has managed to incorporate all the aspects that make a pop-punk band good, while most bands nowadays seem to only focus on one. The band’s harmonies are solid, the melodies are strong and their guitarist’s solos can easily stand up against MCR’s Ray Toro (note: this is meant as a compliment as that band remains my guilty pleasure). The best part of the soloing is that this group understands how to use it as an active part of the song, and not just a randomly inserted segment for the guitarist to flaunt his mad skills. Props to these guys. Gentlemen, you’ve got my attention. –Kat Kellermeyer
Who: Me What: Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp Where: Hollywood, CA When: May 3, 2009 Why: Cuz ... well check it out!
Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp kicks off on April 29th. Campers will be divided into separate bands, each guided by a rock star counselor, and spend the days writing and rehearsing. Nights are filled with jam sessions and master classes. Camp culminates with each band recording its own original song at the historic Capitol Studios in Hollywood and performing at the Whisky A Go Go. The best song will be played by famed DJ Mancow on his nationally syndicated radio show.
Counselors include Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Duff McKagan (Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver) and Todd Rundgren, Foo Fighters and The Wallflowers keyboardist Rami Jaffee, original Chicago drummer Danny Seraphine and Platinum femme rockers Vixen's bassist Share Ross (formerly Share Pedersen). The session will run April 29th through May 3rd in Hollywood, CA. A host of other artists are also scheduled to participate, including Grammy award-winning producer Mark Hudson, Steve Lukather (Toto), Bruce Kulick (KISS), Alan White (Yes), Elliot Easton (The Cars) and many other music legends.
The closing night concert will also feature a charity auction of exclusive autographed memorabilia from Tyler and the other participating rock stars. The auction will benefit The MusiCares Foundation, which provides assistance to music people in need.
I'm just going for the events on Sunday, May 3rd. There is a q&a session with Todd Rundgren in the morning, a bbq lunch in the afternoon and the concert Sunday night. So if any of you have any questions you want me to ask these folks, let me know!
Lana Banana asking questions of rock stars for the people of Idaho *and giggling as she does it*
Stop by this year's Environmental Fair to enjoy a FREE lunch (hamburgers, hotdogs, & veggieburgers), and learn more about what you can do at home, work and school to improve our local environment. Kids can paint murals, decorate herb pots, participate in recycling relays and more! Everyone can visit with animals from the Pocatello Zoo, check out bugs from the Portneuf River, pick up reusable shopping bags and enjoy live music by local bands.
Music Entertainment on the Main Stage
11:00-12:30 Lost Boyseclectic rock/soul/blues 12:30- 1:15 Shawn Barnbysoul 1:15- 2:15 Seven Feet Belowclassic rock 2:15- 3:15 Against the Flowfolk/hip hop
Who: Various Hip Hop Artists What: "The Gathering" open to 18+ (bar with id) When: Friday, April 24 2009. 9pm - 2am Where: Benton St. Bar & Grill - map How Much: $12
Tickets on sale at Budget Tapes & Records (5th Ave., Pocatello), Track 101 Outfitters (Pine Ridge Mall, Chubbuck) or at the door.
Royal Bliss was back in Utah for a week-long break in touring. They had four Northern Utah shows in Ogden, Murray, Tooele and Salt Lake.
Linda East Brady of the Standard-Examiner previewed the Teazer's show in Ogden with a very nice interview. Great quotes, and the interview tells a full story of Royal Bliss' background and current position in the music industry.
Mark Hardcore of The Local Landing reviewed Royal Bliss' performance at Track's Brewing in Tooele. I'll take exception with a couple of his statements -
"This hard-rockin’ grunge-metal band may be touring across the country, but they made it quite clear last Friday that they haven’t forgotten where they came from when they rocked Tooele’s Tracks Brewing Company."
My Response: Royal Bliss is hardly a grunge-metal band. But yes, they haven't forgotten where they come from.
"The band also interacted very well with the crowd and put on a great stage show, and at least acted as if it cared deeply about its hometown fans."
My Response: At least acted?!? Uh, hello?!? Naw, the Utah / Idaho / Reno, NV based grass-roots effort is the Second reason why Royal Bliss has made it as far as they have. The first reason is that the band writes solid songs with accessible lyrics and has an energetic live performance with a charismatic lead guitarist and frontman / vocalist. And Royal Bliss knows that.
"While the band’s somewhat arrogant and sexist rock-star attitude showed that success seems to have gone to the band’s heads, the band is still very solid musically."
My Response: When you're a rock star, a rock star attitude is to be expected. The audience expects that and wants it. No one wants Neal Middleton to stand on stage with any apologies for how far they've come.
"Royal Bliss is rarely in town these days with their touring schedule, so take any opportunity you get to catch them live."
My Response: Totally agree with ya there, my bloggin' buddy.
And Poor Randy W. writes in her blog that she expected to go to Track's Brewing without having bought advance tickets. The show was sold out and she was turned from the door. Randy, maybe you need to keep up on what's happening with our little local band, Royal Bliss.
Positive and Negative (negative = ignorant) Reviews aside, the grass roots effort supporting Our Bliss Boys needs to continue if we want to see them as headliners in major national venues.
"We Did Nothing Wrong," Royal Bliss' most recent single release from "Life In-Between," scooted up another five places last week to reach #35 on Billboard's Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks. Gang, that's 34 places below where it needs to be.
-Buy Royal Bliss music online and at local record stores -If local record stores don't have a Royal Bliss CD, request one -Call local radio stations to request Royal Bliss songs -Tell your friends to do the same
Who: Ande Conda What: Benefit Concert When: Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:00 p.m. Where: Benton St. Bar & Grill How Much: Donations
Ande Conda is hosting a benefit concert on Friday, May 8th for the family of Rondell Reisner, who passed away March 27th, leaving behind a wife, young daughter & a teenage son. They had no insurance & the family is in immediate financial need.
There will be 5 bands & raffles from local businesses. Come support a great cause. Any help getting prizes to raffle will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
Jeff Beery - Vocals Ronnie Moore - Lead Guitar/Vocals Richard Green - Rhythm Guitar/Vocals Brian Miera - Bass/Vocals Chris Anderson - Drums/Vocals
I saw Ande Conda at the Benton Street last weekend. My impressions - this band is all about guitars - great, big guitar sounds with a great, big classic hard rock tenor vocalist to back it up. Fans enthusiastically stood close to the stage, watching Moore as he ripped through lead solos, cheering him on as he effortlessly reproduced guitar licks from the greats - Eddie Van Halen and Slash.
Little known fact about "Sweet Child o' Mine" (Guns N' Roses): In an interview for Hit Parader magazine in 1988, bassist Duff McKagan said:
"The thing about 'Sweet Child,' it was written in five minutes. It was one of those songs, only three chords. You know that guitar lick Slash does at the beginning? It was kinda like a joke because we thought, 'What is this song? It's gonna be nothin', it'll be filler on the record.' And except that vocal-wise, it's very sweet and sincere, Slash was f**kin' around when he first wrote that lick."
And speaking of 'Sweet Child,' Beery really nailed the vocals - not an easy song to cover with a male vocalist. Miera is just great and clearly keeps the stage energy high.
If I have any critique for Ande Conda, it would be to encourage Green to step it up on his vocals and stage presence. He has a good bass voice to balance out Beery's tenor. And Anderson, give me more fills and tom work! It's the drums that get us out on the dance floor.
Bassist Brian Miera (acting as spokesman for the band) said,
"I love the music scene here, but would be nice if there was more clubs here to play. One thing I have seen other cities do, is the clubs rotate the music weekends, one weekend one club is Rock, the other club is Country,& one will Blues/Jazz, than they rotate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. That way, all the bars get a li'l bit of everything, not just Country all the time, or Rock all the time.
The music industry, I wish it was all about just playing music, but we all know it isn't. (There is) a lot of corporate stuff involved. From a musician's standpoint, I just want to share my music with the world, and not deal with all that riff-raff, but that's life in the music world."
Favorites from the set list: Sweet Child O' Mine Play That Funky Music Sweet Home Alabama Keep Your Hands to Yourself Living After Midnight Fast As You My Own Worst Enemy Kryptonite Over The Mountain Sweet Emotion Rock My World Shook Me All Night Long
Upcoming Shows: Apr 24, 25 and May 22, 23 @ Dolly’s in Rigby May 1, 2 @ Taps in Pocatello May 16 @ First National Bar in Pocatello May 29, 30 @ Muddys in Idaho Falls
Who: Hoobastank What: In Concert When: Thu, May 28, 2009 07:30 PM Where: EnergySolutions Arena, Salt Lake City, UT How Much: $25 - $50 Tickets Online
Hoobastank is an American alternative rock band, best known for their 2004 hit "The Reason" and other hits "Crawling in the Dark" and "Running Away". They formed in 1994 in Agoura Hills, California, currently signed to Island Records and have released four albums and one extended play to date.
Their fourth album, For(N)ever, was released in January 2009. To date, they have sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. [Wiki]
Doug Robb: Lead vocals/rhythm guitar Dan Estrin: Lead guitar/keyboards/backing vocals Chris Hesse: drums/percussion
There are three live music concerts of interest at the new all-ages venue in Pocatello, located at Barrie’s in the Westwood Mall, just in between the discount store and the old Party Palace, on Garrett Way. Make time to see and support local live music this week.
Risingson is a bluesy psychedelic rock band. Busani says of his band, “I think the people who come watch us play really like the idea that you can like songs in any genre from the 70’s rock and roll to the more modern alternative and soft rock.”
And on Sunday the 19th, Broke City from Salt Lake headlines with Idaho Falls’ 2am Logic and Pocatello’s Somewhere In the Middle. Doors open at 6 p.m.; cost is $10. Barrie’s is operated by the Ball Brothers Music store; Aaron Ball fronts Somewhere In the Middle, acoustic rock, opening the show at 7 p.m.
I've known Broke City for some 3 years now, one of my top four favorite bands ever. Their most recent full-length release, The Answer, is resident in my CD player pretty much 24/7. Ok, maybe 22/6, but you get the idea. I caught up with vocalist, guitarist and songwriter Joel Pack and bassist Brad Verrier from Broke City about their upcoming shows at Rexburg’s Locus Live on Saturday and Barrie’s in Pocatello on Sunday.
Broke City is a modern pop rock band, with influences from the old school, bands like The Beatles, Queen, The Cure, Howard Jones, Peter Gabriel and such. Two songs from their most current EP release, "I Feel Alive" and "A Life You Won't Miss," have been popular with their fans.
Pack said, “A lot of our newer songs have a positive energy around both the music and the lyrics, and I think people really identify with the honesty in these songs. We're not going after any kind of gimmick or cliché, and I think that our fans respond to that.”
A three-piece based in Salt Lake, The Rob, originally from Twin Falls, ID, has been playing drums with Pack for about five years. Broke City is joined by Ryan Sanders (Side Dish) on guitar for the tour.
The Scala
Broke City traveled to London, England a few months ago to participate in the Global Battle of the Bands at The Scala. “It was so great to soak in the culture and play with bands from all over the world.” And they won the title of "Best Unsigned and in the U.S.A." They have also toured across the U.S. and Canada on the Taste of Chaos tour and with 30 Seconds to Mars and The Used.
Broke City was signed with Maverick Records but is now an independent band. “Instead of putting out one full-length album over the course of 2-3 years, we're going to release a collection of 5-6 songs every 6-12 months. That way we can keep fresh in the studio, as well as stay on the road so that our fans can keep up to date on what's going on with us all the time!” Expect a new release this summer. Find Broke City online at www.myspace.com/brokecity.
2am Logic, a grunge-sounding hard rock band from Idaho Falls has two dates in the area this weekend, at Portneuf Valley Brewing on Saturday the 18th, 8:30 p.m. and again opening for Broke City at Barrie’s. Bender is slated to play at the Brewery on Friday.
The First National Bar on W. Center Street has a one-two punch of live music on Thursday and Friday. Thursday’s open mic night features The Kratz Brothers (John and Luke) at 8:30, based in Pocatello, playing music that fuses rock, folk and world music styles. And The Wailing O’ Sheas make a return engagement on Friday at 9:30, an Irish Punk tribute band. The ISU Student Activities Board is bringing Sugarcult, a California-based pop punk band to Holt Arena on Friday night, perhaps best known for the single “Bouncing Off the Walls,” with the Crash Moderns and Madison Lights. Tickets range from $3 - $10, with a $5 parking fee.
The Sammus Theory We’re excited to welcome Paul Wandtke as the new drummer for The Sammus Theory. Help welcome him by posting a comment! Look out for our summer tour coming up in June. It’s going to kick your ass!
Broke City The ol' BC has a Blogspot page now! You are more than welcome to come check it out by clicking HERE.
Thats not to say we won't ever Blog here on the Myspace, but for the most part if you want insight as to what is going inside the heads of the band right then, here and now, that would be the first place to go.
So there you have it, tell your friends!
Equaleyes Check us out on facebook @ Facebook.com/equaleyeslive and on Twitter @ twitter.com/equaleyeslive Were gonna be in the studio layin down some new songs this week so keep in touch!!! Also playin Earthfest in Boise, ID @ the Idaho botanical Gardens Sat. April 18th and Liquid(Across from the Knitting Factory) Sat. April 25th for the Yonder Mountain Afterparty!!! See yall at the shows-
WhiteWater Ramble WhiteWater Ramble's newest release. Recorded Live in August 2008 at the Zebra Lounge in Bozeman, Montana. Also includes and a special bonus cut recorded live at the Mishawaka Amphitheatre during 2008 Ramble on the River festival featuring Henry Butler on piano and Pete Wall on Saxophones. Includes the originals Purgatory Shuffle, Pack Mule Blues, Drawing Straws and Kaleidoscope. Featuring cover interpretations of Michael Jackson, BB King, The Grateful Dead, Bill Monroe and More. Mastering by Perspective Studios. Produced by WhiteWater Ramble.
Greyhouse Effect Hey guys, so for those of you who have not heard I am leaving the Greyhouse Effect. Sadly lifes taking me in a different direction, but it has been my pleasure to be a part of this band. Thanks to everyone who we have worked with over the last year or so, it has been amazing and its been a fun trip. To all our fans I will miss you, and I wish Joe nothing but the best as he reforms the Greyhouse Effect and ventures into new projects. Thanks for a great last year and ROCK ON! -Nate