Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Seven Feet Below in Finals of Garage Band Playoff

From Spencer Ruchti:

It's been a long haul from the beginning. The competition is called the Garage Band Playoff, and more than 80 bands had to submit a song with the theme of "The Great American Road Song". Of these 80 bands, 24 bands were left. We were one of those bands. From there, the very first round had 6 different match-ups of four bands each. In this competition, you can go to garagebandplayoff.com and vote as many times as you want from your favorite band. We were kind of scared when one of the bands, Pierced3, got 69,000 votes in the very first match-up of the first round. As match-ups kept passing by, no one got even close to the amount of votes Pierced3 got. Then our round came. After a week of anxiety and relentless voting, we ended up with 102,000 votes! By far we had beat Pierced3.

Then the semi-finals came. We were in a round with some tough competitors. But, after another week passed, we ended up with around 140,000 votes, but Pierced3 got about 130,000 votes in the other semi-finals. So, here we are now, in the finals. We won the semi-finals, but now we've got a lot of work ahead of us!

So here is what we need you all to do! Go to garagebandplayoff.com and vote for about five or ten minutes straight for the band Seven Feet Below and their song "Summer". That can get you about 100-300 votes! Our goal is to get 300,000 votes! It's a big goal, but I think we can do it. Because, really, if every single person in Pocatello voted JUST ONCE, then that's about 60,000 votes right there! If everyone voted just twice, then that's 120,000... and so forth.

So, as a fellow Pocatellan, I ask you now to go to garagebandplayoff.com and please vote for your local band Seven Feet Below! If you want to see more about the band, you can go to myspace.com/7feetblow, facebook.com/7feetblow, and on Facebook you can join the group "I'm voting for Seven Feet Below in the Garage Band Playoff!". Thank you so much Pocatello for your support!


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